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Economic Policy, Problem 2-3, Exercise sheet 2: Decision-Making Mechanisms

Dokument-Nr.:  F-AHVO

UNIDOG-Autor: Unispezi

Zugehöriger Dozent(en):
(Nicht Verfasser des Dokuments)

Dr. Lars Siemers/ Arthur Grigoryan

Kauf- / Tauschwert: 3,00 €
Kategorie: Lösungen und Klausurtipps
Dokument-Typ: Lösungen zu Übungs- und Klausuraufgaben ...
Seiten: 4
Semester: SS2013

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Inhalt / Beschreibung

Consider a society inhabited by a large number of citizens. (For simplicity, we normalize the size of the population to unity). Each type i of citizens has the same quasi-linear preferences over private consumption c and publicly provided good g, given by: wi = ci + H(g) , where H(g) is a concave and increasing function. The government spending is financed by taxing the income of every individual at a common rate 0 ≤ τ ≤1. Income differs across individuals according to a cumulative distribution function F(⋅) (with median characterized by F( ym) =0.5 m and the mean by E(yi ) = y). The private consumption is given by ci = (1−τ)yi and the government budget constraint is: g =τy .



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