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Generic Individuality in Fashion

Dokument-Nr.:  F-ADJI

UNIDOG-Autor: ElaEngels

Zugehöriger Dozent(en):
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Kauf- / Tauschwert: 3,00 €
Kategorie: Seminar-, Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten
Dokument-Typ: Kleinere Hausarbeit / Ausarbeitung (Weni...
Seiten: 14
Semester: SS2010

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Inhalt / Beschreibung

As much as we like to think it is not true: we are what we wear. Often even who we wear. Even if we randomly pick out what to wear in the morning – it didn’t get into the dresser by the same randomness, but rather by our careful selection at some point in the past. No longer is fur or sheep wool a necessity, a mere essential for peasants to keep from freezing to death. These traditional materials have been elevated to serve the high-end market customer. And that’s not the only startling paradox that sketches the nature of fashion.



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