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A comparison between Adah (Second Class Citizen) and Ida (26a)

Dokument-Nr.:  F-ADF8

UNIDOG-Autor: SteffiD

Zugehöriger Dozent(en):
(Nicht Verfasser des Dokuments)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Ehland

Kauf- / Tauschwert: 5,00 €
Kategorie: Seminar-, Haus- und Abschlussarbeiten
Dokument-Typ: Kleinere Hausarbeit / Ausarbeitung (Weni...
Seiten: 16
Semester: WS2009-2010

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Inhalt / Beschreibung

In my term paper I would like to compare the two mother figures Adah and Ida in
Emecheta’s “Second-Class Citizen” and Evans’ “26a” and draw the conclusion
whether their departure to Britain has been a failure or success.



1. Introduction

2. Living Conditions in Africa

2.1 Family background

2.2 Social status

3. The "escape" to Britain: Reasons

4. Living conditions in Britain

4.1 Acceptance/social status

4.2 Relationships towards their husbands

5. Conclusion: Failure or success? Are they able to live their dreams?


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